woensdag 19 december 2012

X-mas house part 9: side table & more deco

I wanted to make a miniature scene for my miniature scene. The 'glass' is the cap of a spraybottle.

And the house needed a side-table, to put the decorations on. I just love lasercut wood, so easy for a beautiful result!

And this is the endresult:

The inside is getting cosy, the outside is still bare. And I still need a window and a stove. I need to get busy to get it all done for Cristmas. I have the day off tomorrow, so I hope it will be more complete in the evening.

Have a fun Thursday!

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I love the snowman under the dome.

  2. A beautiful scene! The snowman under the dome is fantastic. The table, simply gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Gewelidg die side table en de prachtige stolp met het schattige sneeuwmannetje! Je Kerst-scene wordt prachtig, Marit.
    Ik wens je fijne feestdagen toe! Ilona

  4. Fantasic idea! I love this scene.
    Your blog is wonderful.

  5. You have a very nice blog and make lovely things. I link to your blog on my blog http://ateljelillahjartat.blogspot.se/Hugs from Anne
