Before I go further with the house itselve, some decorations I made for it with lasercut woodsies. I love those! So many things one can do with them!
I probably don't need to explain how I made these, but I do it anyway. :-)
When the lines are sawn, the gap needs to be made wider, to be able slide the trees onto eachother. I used strips of sandpaper and a very fine file.
Then it's ready to paint and decorate. So on to the next project.
I started with cutting the 'ears' of the wooden piece, and painting it white.
I wanted to fill up the gaps of the wooden lasercut piece with something sparkling. I mixed airdrying clay with black and white water colour paint (did not have grey), to contrast the white, and loads of glitter.
But that was not glittery enough for me, so I added some more, pure glitter.
Oh, and this is something every miniaturist (or scrapbooker, card-maker, etc) should have: a metal-coloured wax. I turns anything -plastic, paper, etc- in looking like being made of metal. Rub it lightly, and textures will show themselves. It's just FANTASTIC! I don't understand why it's so hard to get, any decent hobbyshop should sell this!
I might add a glossy varnish on top of the cake-stand, not sure yet.
Hope you enjoyed it!
6 opmerkingen:
adorable! They both turned out so well! I am coveting that Pewter wax-I have never seen it before! Beautiful new pieces for your xmas house Marit :)
These are wonderful, thanks for sharing!
Hi Marit, wat een geweldige tutorial heb je gemaakt, lief van je om hem met ons te delen. Ik ken die metal-coloured wax niet, aangezien we hier in de wijde omtrek van zeker 50 km!! geen hobbywinkel hebben. De hout lasercut woodsies ken ik daarentegen weer wel, kun je inderdaad hele leuke dingen van maken. Jij hebt in ieder geval twee hele mooie aanwinsten voor je Christmas house!
Groetjes, Ilona
This is so cool! :) My miniature dolls are jealous now, thay haven't received any ornament yet! :D
These are very good, love the idea
This is a very interesting product, I must try to find some.
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