
vrijdag 19 november 2010

~♥~ Give-away! ~♥~

To celibrate that over 200 people chose to follow my blog (can you believe that?!?), I have prepared a give-away...

Two hundred has a 2 in it, so I made two sets of gifts, both in winter/Christmas-style. The wooden set contains a sledge (as some of you already had guessed), a box and some candy-canes (well, it needed some colour). By the way: if your car needs new windscreenwipers, don't trow away the old ones! Those have a rustproof iron strip, which can be very useful, for instance for irons on a sledge...

The second set is the metal set: a angel to hang, a decorative tree and a candlestick.

To enter the give-away you need to be a follower and leave a comment on this post before December the 5th (Dutch time). You may anounce this give-away on your blog and use these pictures for that, but you don't need to.

In the Netherlands we celibrate Saint Nicolaas on December the 5th. It's the origin of Santa Claus. It's a party where children get presents and families give eachother presents. A perfect day to draw the winners. I will write the names down of all contenders twice and get a bowl for each set. If you said to have a preference for the wooden or the metal set, I will put both papers with your name in that bowl. If you have no preference, each bowl gets one paper with your name. So you all have the same chance to win. (And no, it's not possible to win both sets)

Good luck to you all!

68 opmerkingen:

Caroline zei

I would love a chance to win either giveaway! Thank you. They are both very nice.

Octopudding zei

Please enter me for your lovely giveaway. Sara x :o) i am also doing a giveaway at the moment if you would like to look.x

Kim Gillian zei

Please add me in the metal set!! I Love it!!
-Kim :)

cockerina zei

I would like to attend ... but it is too difficult to choose for me. Both gifts are suitable to my mountain cabin, how do I decide? Please add my name to both and hope to win at least one of them .. ah ah!
thanks! I put the link on my blog ..

PS: in my home town, Bari, south Italy, there is the real tomb of St. Nicholas! Did you know? We are celebrating our patron saint on December 6 in Italy, and 7-8-9 in May in my city!
happy to know that my favorite saint is also celebrated in your country!
many kisses! Caterina

Lataina zei

Congratulations on all your followers! Please count me in for this cute giveaway. I think I would have to choose the metal. =)

cockerina zei

read my post on St. Nicholas, in my blog:


Dark Squirrel Victoria zei

Lovely blog! Please include me in your giveaway for the Christmas tree, candle holder and angel.

Victoria : )

Rosamargarita zei

Felicidades por tus seguidores.
Este sorteo me hará llorar si no lo gano, es precioso!
Tengo que escoger? IMPOSIBLE.
Gracias de antemano

Anoniem zei

oooooo pretty!!! please include me :D Linda X

Iris zei

Both are beautiful! Please count me in! Metal set would be nice!

Norma Bennett zei

What a fabulous giveaway Marit, thank you! I'd love to win the metal set in particular :)

I like your idea of two chances in the draw for the 'preferred' prize for those who express a preference, and one in each for those who don't. I've got a choice giveaway on my blog too and not everyone remembers to state their preference and I've been wondering about the best way to deal with that, you've solved it, I'm going to follow your method :)

Flora zei

Many hundreds of wishes for your beautiful blog :-)
For all of us (and our dolls) will be a Christmas even more exciting with the prospect of winning your wonderful prizes!
I choose the wooden set: children's Victorian home would be happy, especially for sweets...
Mini hugs, Flora

Karin zei

Gefeliciteerd met je 206 volgers!!!

Ik zou graag ook een kansje wagen op deze prachtige mini's.

Groetjes, Karin.


Hi Marit!Congrats on your followers.I would love to participate in your amazing giveaway,I love both sets,thanks for share this magic!!Mini regards.

dreamkeeperfae zei

wow! I like the metal kind of tree and chandelier, wonderful job, would love to enter this give away... ;)

Ascension zei

Enhorabuena por todos tus seguidores.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y cualquier de los dos regalos me haria la misma ilusion.......muchisimaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Espero tener mucha suerte.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension

Lara zei

Hoi Marit, gefeliciteerd met je 206volgers. Ik doe graag mee aan je giveaway. Ik ga voor de metalen set :-)

Heleni zei

Gefeliciteerd Marit met je 206 volgers. Wat heb je geweldige kadootjes gemaakt voor je giveaway.
Graag wil ik meedoen voor je metalen setje. Ik zal een link op mijn blog plaatsen.

groet Heleni

rosanna zei

Thak you and congratulaitons for your followers. I'll gladly join the giveaway.
If I have to make a choice I think I'd like to win the sleigh;it's so romantic.
Thank you again, Rosanna

Unknown zei

Please count me in on your giveaway! I adore the box of candy canes, it's just too cute! :D
Thank you for this great oppertunity :)

Happy mini-ing

klara zei

Hallo Marit, ik zou ook graag meedoen met de give away, je maakt erg mooie minies en gefeleiciteerd met je 200 volgers

Minimami zei

Congradulations! Coun me in! Lovely giveaway!

The Old Maid zei

Congrats on 206 Followers! Please count me in!:)

Kaisa zei

Your soldering works are stunning and the sledge is beautiful. I only wish that we could celebrate christmas twice in December. Your giveaway is very lovely.

Lainie zei

Love your giveaway! Please include me!

by Sonya zei

Congrats Marit!
I love your Give away!
Please let me enter!

Rosella zei

Congrattulation on your followers Marit! I am one of them and I love your giveaway! Please include me!I choose the wooden set and I put this giveaway on my blog.

Catherine / Mooghiscath zei

Félicitations pour les 200 membres et je participe volontier.

Maija zei

Congratulations on all your followers!<3 Please count me in for this cute giveaway. I think I would have to choose the metal. =)

Nina in Germany zei

Please count me in in your wonderful giveaways. I like both very much.

Kim zei

What a wonderful giveaway Marit!! Please include my name also :) congratulations on over 200 followers!!!

Webbie zei

absolutley lovely! please include me in your give-away, Id be chuffed to win!!!

Congratulations on your blog, I love it!

mandy ;-)

miniacollection zei

This is a great giveaway to prepare Xmas and winter.
Count on me.

Ann zei

Congratulations on getting 2 hundred followers! And thank you for having yet another giveaway. They are both lovely!

Marfolhuz miniatures zei

Ohhh Marit, wat heb je een mooie give away gemaakt! Maar ja, meer dan 200 volgers is ook wel een feestje waard;-) Gefeliciteerd hoor!
Ik zou graag mee willen doen voor het metalen setje met kerst ornamenten en ik zet gelijk even een link op m'n blog.
groetjes van Marieke

Flor zei

¡Hola Marit! Que regalos mas bonitos ( =
Me gustaría mucho participar, los dos conjuntos de regalos son muy hermosos, pero si hay que elegir ¡Los de metal!!! = D
Ahora lo pongo en mí blog Y muchas felicidades por tus 209 seguidores!!

Linda zei

hoi marit leuke give away heb je gemaakt en ik doe graag eraan mee. ik vind de metalen erg leuk geworden
groetjes linda

Eva zei

Love your Christmas presents. The sledges are truly wonderful :)
Please count with me please.
Later I will announce it in my blog.

ultsu zei

I would love to participate, your giveaways are lovely.


Francesca zei

Congratulations on your 200 followers! I love your give away gifts: please count me in.

Susi zei

Me encantaria participar en el sorteo de tu pagina, felicidades por tantos seguidores como tienes, un beso.

Soffy zei

conngratulation for your 211 "followers". I love your Christmas gifts.

Nicole zei

Oh, what a lovely giveaway, Marit! Thank you for this great chance. Both sets are so wonderful, but I'm totally in love with the metal set, I would love to win this set, so please count me in!

Titta zei

Hi, very beautiful giveaway!!!! Pleace count me in

Patty zei

Marit, Congratulations on all of your followers! I would love to participate in the wood set!! I love both though!!

Karin F. zei

how wonderful! First on achieving your many followers. And second on holding a St Nicholaus draw.
The sleigh looks lovely but so does the tree. I'd love to win either!!!
I'll be sure to polish my shoes in the hope they're filled.
hugs Karin

Rosa Forino zei

Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy!
sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
Hugs, rosa
i am old follower
blog creative: http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/

Roberta zei

HI!!! I'm Roberta from Italy and I'm happy to be here for your fantastic giveaway.
They are both wanderfull but The metal one is great!!!!
Now I run to put the picture on my blog and if you have time, please, come to visit my!!

Margriet zei

Wat een prachtige give-way Marit! Ik doe graag mee voor de metalen set!!!

Alma e Lia zei

Marit congratulations for followers, please count me in your fantastic giveaway, I put it in my blog :oD

M Carmen Casanova zei

Hola Marit, enhorabuena por ese numero de seguidores. Los dos regalos son preciosos, pero ese árbolde navidad en metal me rechifla. Gracias por el sorteo. Besos.

Kikka N zei

Hi Marit!
Congratulations for such a huge amount of followers!
You have a very nice blog! And beautiful Giveaways! Please count me in!

Un Taller de Miniaturas zei

Absolutely lovely both of them!!, but
if a have to choose I like the metal set.
Please count me in, and thanks so much for the chance to win this great gift.

Natascha zei

What a wondelful give- away did you make. Very beautyful! i love both so i hope i win one of two.

Cheryl zei

Please add me in for the metal set Marit. Congratulations on your followers.

Yayin zei

Muchas felicidades por tus seguidores y por tu blog.Me gustaria participar en el sorteo,me gusta todo mucho.
Besos - Rosa

Valentina P. zei

I am a new follower!!! Beautiful give away please let me enter i choose the first set!! my blog minibonbons.blogspot.com

Gemma zei

Hola!! Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo y felicidades por tu blog. Un beso

Rosa Forino zei

congratulazioni!!! sono felice di partecipare adoro le tue creazioni ti ho inserito nella slidebar di blogcandymania.blogspot.com
saluti rosa.kreattiva
blog creative: http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/

✿StrawberryMilk✿ zei

I love black cats!!
thanks for this chance :)

strawberrymilk12 AT gmail DOT com

Terelo zei

Hola Marit, felicidades por ese numero de seguidores. Los regalos son preciosos, aunque ese árbol de navidad me encanta . Muchas gracias por el sorteo. Besos.Teresa

Nadia zei

Ik doe mee! :D
Ben helemaal nieuw op je site!
Je schrijft zeer leuke artikeltjes & volg je dus nu ook via gfc.

Doe zo verder met je site he!
Liefs Nadia

Angela zei

congratulation for your followers.
I'd like to partecipate for both sets, are fantastic, I'll leave choose to fortune....

Kathi zei

Congratulations! I love the metal tree and angel. You do marvelous work! Please count me in!

Heather zei

What a lovely giveaway. I'll like to enter for the metal tree and angel! (I've been trying to work with wire and been very unsuccessful!)

Alienora zei

Marit, I must try mu luck in your lovely giveaway:))))
Congratulations 226 followers!!!

Elga zei

You have one lovely blog, I really like the wooden set in your give-away.

HepzibethClare zei

Just discovered your blog today - love your work!